breast implants Archives | I'm Taking Charge

breast implants

  • breast cancer after implants

Breast Cancer After Implants: Vicki Lucas’ Story


Vicki Lucas was the globe-trotting grandmother who inspired us a couple years ago. Her story is unique, because she dealt with the challenges of treating breast cancer after implants. For example, she faced capsular contracture

Breast Cancer After Implants: Vicki Lucas’ Story 2018-02-16T11:57:11+00:00

Following Her Gut: From Diagnosis to Reconstruction


Karen Bennett's Story What happens when you feel something’s not right, but your doctor tells you it’s nothing to worry about? And this goes on for two years? You take charge! In 1995, when Karen

Following Her Gut: From Diagnosis to Reconstruction 2016-02-01T10:00:45+00:00

Breast Implants: Common Complications


Receiving breast implants following a mastectomy is a popular breast reconstruction option that works for a variety of body types and women. However, it is not without its risks. Recent studies have reported that around

Breast Implants: Common Complications 2017-11-20T04:27:08+00:00
  • reconstruction with breast implants

Breast Implants: A Closer Look


From the moment you begin considering breast reconstruction, you will be faced with a bewilderingly large array of reconstruction types. In the past, implants were less popular than autologous reconstruction options (using a woman's own

Breast Implants: A Closer Look 2017-11-20T04:28:20+00:00