What if I am young? | I'm Taking Charge

What if I am young?

What if I am young? 2017-12-28T04:17:49+00:00

Most people hold a mental image of the 50-something-year-old woman developing breast cancer. While it’s true that there are a lot more 50-year-olds than 20-year-olds with breast cancer, the fact remains that young women do develop breast cancer.

In fact, roughly seven percent of all breast cancer cases are among women under the age of 40.

If you’re a young woman facing a breast cancer diagnosis, you are not alone. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or angry. It’s okay to admit that it’s totally not fair to get breast cancer–young or old.

You will have steps to take, however, in order to have the healthiest outcome for your body. This will involve many choices you did not expect or want to make at this phase of life. Explore this section to get you started and then look through our other sections as well.

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