Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day: Stories and Support | I'm Taking Charge

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day: Stories and Support

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day: Stories and Support

Our mission at ITC is to help women navigate through their breast cancer journey. In many cases, the journey includes choosing whether or not to reconstruct. To help with this choice, we offer stories and informative articles. Today is Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day. Organizations all over the world are participating by holding BRA Day events. So we’re highlighting some of our most popular stories and articles that are related to breast reconstruction.


Favorite Stories

breast reconstruction stories


Here are our most popular stories about breast reconstruction. The first one is by Janet Gerlach. Janet had a preventative double mastectomy. She chose DIEP Flap breast reconstruction, a type of autologous reconstruction.

Of course, not everyone chooses to have a mastectomy. Most mastectomy patients lose their breasts due to cancer that has already been diagnosed. This is what happened to Nancy Stordahl. We were blessed to have her share her story with our readers a few months ago. She states the obvious point that implants are not real breasts. She reiterates that she misses her breasts. Her story helps women to face the facts about this reality.

Our next one is an interview we did with Frannie Slagter. Frannie had complications that resulted from her procedure. Thankfully, everything ended up fine after she sought help from an experienced surgeon. “All I want is for someone to learn from my misery,” Frannie said, “Explore all the options and ask questions. It’s worth it.” NOTE: Some of the images in this story are graphic.

Another very popular story on our site is by Kelly Nemecek. She shares her positive experience with reconstruction. As with Frannie, Kelly’s advice is to be pro-active. She recommends seeking out a board-certified plastic surgeon with lots of experience.


Our Most Helpful Articles About Breast Reconstruction

breast reconstruction awareness day

Articles About Insurance for Breast Reconstruction

Overall, our most helpful articles are those about insurance for breast reconstruction. Here are the ones that are most popular with our readers:

This one covers the basics like terminology and how health insurance works in relation to breast reconstruction.

Our readers also really appreciate this one about the breast reconstruction laws by state. We try to keep it up-to-date. If you have any insights or new information for your state, be sure to let us know via email or in the comments section. Thanks!

Finally, we are grateful to have connections with several physicians and plastic surgeons. One of them Dr. Christine Ueno, recently shared her thoughts on breast reconstruction insurance in terms of what you need to know. She also explains how insurance coverage relates to whether or not women choose to reconstruct.


Other Helpful Articles About Breast Reconstruction

In addition to the articles about insurance for breast reconstruction, our readers have really appreciated the following articles.

The first one is about the things you need for reconstructive breast surgery. It includes both the physical things you need to have, in addition to some ways to prepare.


Our article about breast reconstruction after lumpectomy is also appreciated by our readers. Many people don’t realize that lumpectomy can also cause disfigurement. This article explains how breast reconstructive techniques can restore symmetry after lumpectomy.

If you’re looking for an overview, check out the next article. It covers the different types of procedures that are available, as well as different choices you might want to consider.

Finally, our readers have also really appreciated our interview with Doreen Puglisi about exercise after breast surgery. Doreen is the founder of the Pink Ribbon Program. The Pink Ribbon Program helps women ease back into exercise after breast cancer, mastectomy, and breast reconstruction. Moderate exercise is the lifestyle factor most likely to prevent recurrence. So we understand why this article is so popular.


Looking for more helpful information about breast cancer and breast reconstruction? For information on a specific topic, use our search box. Or join our conversation on Facebook and check out our Pinterest and Instagram sites. Our podcast series may also be helpful: here at itunes, here at Google Play, or here at Stitcher. Take care!


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About the Author:

Sally Casey
Sally's our Social Media Manager Extraordinaire, with a perfect sense of what it is people want to see on social media. However, she's also an excellent writer and our former editor. She's done all of this while raising 9 kids at home. She states the “coolest” thing left on her lifelong bucket list is going SCUBA diving in a frozen lake.