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  • tissue expanders at home

Tissue Expanders at Home – Part of Daily Life


Many women come to a breast cancer diagnosis utterly bewildered and overwhelmed. A few, however, come from inside the medical world. They offer unique insights and come to decisions from a different perspective. Ana is

Tissue Expanders at Home – Part of Daily Life 2018-04-06T03:12:50+00:00

Baby Steps


Ever feel like this? I totally do. One day I'll do amazing things... Today I'll just be satisfied if I don't spill food on my shirt.

Baby Steps 2018-03-10T03:54:04+00:00

How to Talk to a Dentist


This is my sort of crown! My dentist said I needed a crown, and I was like... I know, RIGHT!

How to Talk to a Dentist 2018-04-10T08:04:11+00:00
  • realistic expectations for breast reconstruction

Realistic Expectations for Breast Reconstruction


Do you know what to expect after breast reconstruction? You might have very specific expectations. You know exactly what results you want. Perhaps the opposite is true. You may be afraid to even imagine the

Realistic Expectations for Breast Reconstruction 2018-04-02T03:04:13+00:00

Be Kind


Be kind--including to yourself! No act of kindness, no matter how small, was ever wasted.

Be Kind 2018-03-10T03:53:40+00:00

Just a Chapter


Live all your life--because life is big, and cancer is not the whole picture. Cancer is just a chapter in my life, not the whole story...

Just a Chapter 2018-03-10T03:42:56+00:00



Insomnia--our common plight! Whether cancer treatments or just a gaggle of kiddos and grandkiddos are keeping you up at night, I bet a lot of women can relate to this one! You know that

Insomnia 2018-03-10T03:53:22+00:00

My Rules for Life


Some days this means brushing my teeth. Sometimes that's my maximum ability to dress up, but I brush them, so that's a success! No matter how you feel--get up, dress up, show up, and

My Rules for Life 2018-02-28T04:46:23+00:00

You’re Beautiful.


This is truth. It's not our bodies or any inborn physical characteristic that makes us beautiful. It's the simple choice to be ourselves. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

You’re Beautiful. 2018-02-28T04:40:47+00:00
  • question your treatment

Question Your Breast Surgeon


Question your breast surgeon about everything. This is the sort of advice you rarely get but really need. In this video, Dr. Dellacroce discusses diagnosis paralysis. He has one professional recommendation for women: question everything regarding

Question Your Breast Surgeon 2018-03-13T01:53:41+00:00