Kara Skarda, Author at I'm Taking Charge | Page 3 of 3


Kara Skarda

About Kara Skarda

Kara's life probably looks the most out of the American ordinary, as she resides with her husband and twin toddler boys in a village in the mountains of Thailand. Besides being fluent in Shan (the ethnic minority language of her husband), she also speaks German and Thai. She enjoys fermenting vegetables, making yogurt, and drinking fresh soy milk from street stands. As the Director of Operations, she's involved in all aspects of the website.

Breast Cancer Recurrence: Will the Breast Cancer Come Back?


You have probably already realized there are no guarantees with breast cancer. Your breast surgeon will remove all visible and known cancerous tissue. However, there aren't tests to detect the small clusters of cancerous cells

Breast Cancer Recurrence: Will the Breast Cancer Come Back? 2018-03-01T04:17:46+00:00

Rachel Desantis’ Story – Thinking Through Breast Symmetry


When facing a mastectomy, can you justify cutting off a perfectly healthy breast for the sake of breast symmetry? Breast cancer involves an overwhelming number of decisions, from which breast surgeon to entrust your treatment

Rachel Desantis’ Story – Thinking Through Breast Symmetry 2016-02-15T10:00:20+00:00
  • reconstruction with breast implants

Breast Implants: A Closer Look


From the moment you begin considering breast reconstruction, you will be faced with a bewilderingly large array of reconstruction types. In the past, implants were less popular than autologous reconstruction options (using a woman's own

Breast Implants: A Closer Look 2017-11-20T04:28:20+00:00

Congress Says Breast Cancer Patients Deserve to Know About Reconstruction


BREAKING NEWS: With bipartisan support, Congress has passed the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act of 2015!!! President Obama has already signed this new act into law.   Whether or not you are politically interested or

Congress Says Breast Cancer Patients Deserve to Know About Reconstruction 2017-11-20T04:30:04+00:00

The Breast Cancer Bill of Rights


  • Right to lifetime coverage – So long as you choose to remain insured, you're insured. According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), your health insurance cannot place lifetime dollar limits on your coverage. Your health insurance also cannot drop you because you get cancer or any other sickness. According to the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA), your insurance likewise cannot remove you from a plan when you choose reconstruction surgery...
The Breast Cancer Bill of Rights 2017-11-20T04:35:18+00:00